This irregularity 7 - The death of Osama Bin Laden World especially the U.S. was so excited with the news about Osama Bin Laden killed in attacks by U.S. Navy Seals in Pakistan. U.S. citizen was so welcomed by the celebration of the death of Osama Bin Laden, the man who became a target and who was accused by the U.S. side as the mastermind behind the destruction of the WTC a few years ago.
Many obituaries discrepancy is Osama Bin Laden, like his gaffe collapse of the WTC in America that if the logic of building a strong and large collapse was hit only by 2 commercial aircraft, destroyed until blended as in the WTC bombing of the foundation.
News the death of Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda leader who became the main target of the U.S. side for about 10 years starting from the U.S. military's claim that Osama has been killed in the crossfire for 40 minutes at a luxurious multi-million dollar residence in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Attack the U.S. side was also causing many casualties, including children Osama Laden. If you follow the news about the death of Osama Bin Laden as quoted from The New York Times Osama bin Laden's corpse was flown to Afghanistan and was buried at sea.
Why is the corpse of Osama Bin Laden who became the target for 10 years was not shown to the world, and the funeral conducted clandestinely even be buried at sea. And Osama remains outstanding photo was just edits of the photos that were released in the leadership of Bush. It's a big question mark, while also there are 7 other irregularities concerning news of the death of Osama Bin Laden, wants to know?
Photo corpse Who's This?
7 irregularity Osama Bin Laden's Death
First irregularities, may be that this news was first performed Petraeus propaganda that is now the director of the CIA working with Leon Panetta, who served the U.S. Defence Secretary, to weaken the spirit of the Mujahideen of Afghanistan and Pakistan. So they make the news stating that they had managed to kill Osamah.
The second gaffe, when the U.S. succeeded in killing Abu Mus'ab claimed al-Zarqawi, a picture that shows his death was released, but why not for Osama? Likewise with Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.
Irregularities Third, why his body is discharged to the sea? mempertontonkannya to the public would not make more sense than eliminate them altogether at sea? Is the USA to avoid forensic tests or actually they did not throw anyone who is at sea?
Irregularities Fourth, the New York Times, July 11, 2002 wrote, "With an ego as high as Mount Everest, Osama can not be kept silent for so long. He always wanted to make a profit even from things that have never done. Will he remain silent for nine months and not voiced its existence? "
A Taliban official who requested anonymity said that he had attended the funeral of bin Laden at Tora Bora ten days ago. He mentioned at least 30 Taliban fighters, relatives and close associates of Osama attend the funeral. Subsequently confirmed that it is very difficult to trace back the tomb of Osama, because according to Wahhabi tradition, the tomb of a Muslim should not have any features or buildings.
Osama Bin Laden died of complications from lung, some say he was suffering from hepatitis C. CNN said bin Laden had diabetes, low blood pressure and wounded in the leg. "He was dehydrated, and kidney pain." The news of Osama's death was confirmed by President Pervez Musharraf, he allegedly died in December 2001.
Fifth gaffe, Videos hoax. FOX News (years?): "Osama bin Laden had died peacefully of complications from lung. According to Taliban leaders who attended the funeral of al-Qaeda leader: "Coalition forces are very ambitious to look, but they will never fulfill its mission capture Osama alive or dead," said the source. "So, Who appeared in the videos the threat of al- Qaeda who claim to be Osama bin Laden? "
Osama Bin Laden during his lifetime often released video video containing the threat. But actually a lot of people doubted it. It's just a result of software technology.
Video threat looks odd, because the stiff character movement (time interval), mono-tone voice quality. If quoting Eric Haseltine Senior Vice President R & D Walt Disney Imagineering in Glendale, California: "The ability of technology, graphics, video editing and sound effects are sophisticated, you can revive a dead character."
Sixth gaffe, Osama is not needed anymore. Is the USA deliberately make a date "death" coincided with the death of Hitler? The next project for the USA is pure middle east. They will focus on isolating Iran from the international contacts. There are strategies that will be installed next USA to expand its influence in a massive worldwide.
Seventh gaffe, this time not just the U.S. side issue lies. 911 believed and proved himself as an inside job. This is easily obtained at various sites and youtube. Including the first human landing on the moon is very doubtful validity.
Yes 7 awkwardness that is very related to the news of Osama Bin Laden killed in Pakistan, if indeed the news is true then the U.S. side has been getting his wish and keinginnan Osama was killed on the battlefield has been accomplished.
but if the news of Osama Bin Laden were killed, released a lot of U.S. media propaganda is the only U.S. side only, then when actually Osama dead? and the dead who were buried at sea? Images transmitted and who is claimed as the corpse of Osama Bin Laden? What do you think about 7 gaffe over the death of Osama Bin Laden?